瀏覽人次: 3655


1. Jeh-hang Lai, 1983.4, "Christianity and the Advancement of the Status of Women in Chinese Society," Paper Presented at the International Conference on The Role of Christian Higher Education in Asia, 9-15.

2. Jeh-hang Lai,1983.8, "Nanking Vs., The Canton Separatist Movement ,1931,"Paper presented at the Symposium on the" Nanking Decade: Man, Government and Society," National Australian University and Hong Kong University.

3. Jeh-hang Lai,1984.7, "Social Change and the Family System in Taiwan," International Symposium on Taiwan Studies, The University of Chicago.

4. Jeh-hang Lai,1984.8, "The Stem Family System and Solution of the Social Problems in Taiwan, Republic of China", Paper presented at the 2nd Sino-American Conference, Sponsored by San Jose State University (and Tunghai University),California,U.S.A.

5. 賴澤涵, 張維安, 1985.12, "中國近代化的起點問題: 以中國的輪船招商局的官督商辦為例" , 香港大學「國際明清史研討會」, 論文將由香港大學出版。

6. Jeh-hang Lai,1986.8, "The Domestic and Foreign Policies of the Canton Revolutionary Government, 1917-1925," ⅩⅩⅩⅡ International Congress for Asian and North African Studies, Hamburg, West Germany.

7. Jeh-hang Lai,1987.4, "The Analytical Framework: The War Years and Changing Japanese-Taiwanese Relations, 1940-1945," ⅩⅩⅩⅡ Annual Confenence of the Association for Asian Studies, Boston, U.S.A.

8. 賴澤涵, 1990.12.20-21,「中央研究院社科所之近代海洋史研究」, 香港中文大學「海峽兩岸關係發展的歷史、現狀及其展望:中國、日本、臺灣、香港」國際研討會。

9. 賴澤涵, 1994, " 台灣光復初期歷史資料 ", 台灣光復初期史料研討會, 國史館主辦, 民八三年。

10. Jeh-hang Lai, 1995.3.31-4.1, "Polictical and Social Development in Modern Taiwan", Paper Presented at the Taiwan in Asia International conference Illinois, Champaign.

11. 賴澤涵, 1995, 8.13-14, 「台灣『中國社會史』的教學、研究及其展望」, 「傳統中國與當代中國社會史學術研討會」, 北戴河, 中國社會科學院歷史研究所和聯合報學術基金會主辦。

12. 賴澤涵,1996.9.18-20「民國以來家庭制度及日常生活的變遷,1912-1996」,重慶,中國社會史學第六次年會暨「區域社會比較」國際學術研討會。

13. 賴澤涵,1998.8.24-30「社會運動的研究」,蘇州大學主辦「家庭、社會和大眾心態變遷」國際學術研討會。

14. 賴澤涵,2000.9.21-24「廣州革命政府的教育事業,1916-191 7」,南京大學和江蘇省政協文史資料委員會主辦「第四次中華民國史國際學術研討會」。

15. Jeh-hang Lai,2000.10.6, ”Taiwan Political Development : A Historical Overview”, Paper Presented at “The United States and Cross-Straits Relations since the Taiwan Election”, Sponsored by University of Illinois, Oct. 6~ Oct. 7, 2000

16. 賴澤涵,2005,〈台灣的客家研究〉,東海大學吳德耀講座。

17. 賴澤涵,2007.1.26-27,〈台灣二二八事件研究的回顧與展望〉,中央研究院台灣史研究所《紀念二二八事件六十周年學術研討會》。